Speaking | Classes | Coaching | Training | Garden Design

Being a smart human, you know one way to manage your time is through virtual courses and webinars.
From the beginner who want to start their first gardener,
To the gardener who wants to do things like building their soil or learning companion planting,
Or bring their garden to new heights by manifesting better pest management, or using permaculture and biodynamics,
Debby has innovated courses to simplify and clarify the way for you.

Speaking Engagements
Do you belong to a group or organization who hires speakers? Debby is a professional speaker with over 25 years of public speaking experience.
Her most popular topics are:
- Living Soil Grows Plants for You
- Simplifying Beautiful 4 Season Veggie Garden Design
- Permaculture for the Home Gardeners
- Maximize Your Garden Space
- Seeds! Types, Companies & Planting
1-on-1 Coaching
Simplify manifesting your garden sanctuary and growing as a gardener, by reserving your own professional garden coach.
Debby has transformed organic gardening with her unique blend of creativity with processes and systems and her over 50 years of gardening experience.
Debby is available for 1 hour coaching sessions to focus on your specific garden situation right now.

1-on-1 Training
Do you want to create a sanctuary in your yard that is unique to you, but don’t know how about how to design it from a sustainable organic perspective?
Debby’s exclusive 4Success Yard Design System will empower you to design your yard sustainably for your specific vision and goals.
“You simplify creating your unique organic garden sanctuary,
not by depending on someone else to design it,
but by learning how to look at the land yourself.”
Debby Ward, Prior Unity Garden

Garden Designs
Unique personal garden designs for single beds, townhouse yards, suburban yards and larger projects.
You benefit from my over 50 years of gardening experience.
By incorporating my vast plant knowledge with my fine arts degree, I create unique, professional garden designs for your individual space.
These designs use permaculture design principles and my unique way of looking at a space, so each area is designed for its highest and best use, based on your goals and dreams.
Each element of your garden is carefully planned to serve its purpose and contribute to the overall harmony of the ecosystem.